Author: JD

  • Monday Haiku Set 4/15/24

    Monday Haiku Set 4/15/24

    The weekly Haiku Set for 4/15/24.

  • Short Form Poetry Dump — 4/14/24

    Short Form Poetry Dump — 4/14/24

    Thus Spake the Lord: A new god — in an age without.

  • S. By JD.

    S. By JD.

    Over the next few weeks or so, I will be posting chapters from a project I am working on, as well as trying to post with somewhat of a regularity. Be prepared to see photos, 3d designs and prints, poetry, prose, and everything else at one point or another. Thanks for reading — hanging —…

  • PVC and PLA

    PVC and PLA

    After attending PAX East I was bitten by the creative bug. Some of the things I wanted for my gaming sessions were too pricey and I decided to work on something as both a way to have something unique when I go to sessions, and to full send myself ever-deeper into the world of games,…

  • Linocuts – Pt. 1

    Linocuts – Pt. 1

    I’ve started learning how to make Linocut block prints. It has been so fun so far, and I am looking forward to what may come! ((N.B. these will be included in the first round of Care Packages going out today and tomorrow!))

  • The Meta

    Thinking aboutThinking. Thinking aboutPlayingThe Game Or How the Game is played. I want toPlay my best game,The highest S Tier. So,We approach theMeta,And humbly beg itsGuidance. –JD 2/9/24